I myself have several bags for several different stores, and I try to keep them in my car, otherwise I forget them and end up having to bring my purchases home in a one-use bag. They really are nice to have, and there aren't as many plastic bags balled-up on the floor of my car. However, while I'm shopping, I can't help but to think how easy it would be for somebody to come in the store with one of these bags and shoplift. Instead of using a basket I actually put the items I intend to buy inside my shopping bag. What if it was a busy day and I just walked out of the store with a bag full of items I didn't pay for? How easy would that be for somebody to either pretend they're just browsing and leave with small items hidden in their reusable bag, or to act as if they've already been rung up? This is against my nature personally, but we all know in the end, we end up paying for the dishonest people in the world. I predict that the loss prevention teams at these stores will be tightening things up quite a bit once they figure this out. I see more places checking receipts at the doors, and putting security tags (that cause the alarm to go off when leaving the store) will be put on more items. Also, more stores may have reusable bags that are net-like, in order to make it more difficult to hide items in the bags. Who knows what they'll resort to, but I'm sure they'll figure out some way to make suspects out of people just trying to be more efficient.
I'm definitely not trying to encourage criminal activity, but I'm just pointing out a crime waiting to happen. If you ARE somebody who takes advantage of re-usable bags in such a way, I think you're a loser.
I had this same exact thought yesterday when I was using my reusable bag at the grocery store. I didn't want to bring in my purse, so I dumped my wallet and keys in the bottom and filled up the bag with groceries. Then I noticed there was an asset protection officer who seemed to be keeping his eye on me while I shopped (especially since I used the self-serve check-out.) His eyes were on me! There was a homeless guy suspiciously surveying the schnapps, and he was watching me! The girl who is trying to save the world one plastic bag at a time.
I respect this! It's very well written, I honestly when I first read this thought, "She's thinking too much in the aspect of shop lifting." but until recently I never noticed how common it is. It hapens at my store all the time. I've seen it 4 times since I started.
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