Yesterday was Valentines day, robbery is apparently the new way to spend the day of love. Maybe they figured since the day is considered so commercial, they should "stick it to the man" and rip a bunch of major stores off? Today there was a couple who hit about 8 stores in the mall. Mall security had their eye on them the entire day. Once they ended up in our store, they apprehended them and they were arrested. Justice is served, hooray! One heart-breaking downside; they had a one year old child. How pathetic must a person (not to mention TWO people!) be to use their own innocent child as a distraction while they commit a crime? How bad are things really, where you need to rob THAT many stores in order to get by? How can you justify this? If you're broke, get a job, get on unemployment...there are WAYS to keep yourself afloat without committing a crime, and without having to send a crying one-year-old home with his ashamed and embarrassed grandmother. Based on the fact that they were robbing game stores and cheap jewelry stores, I'm pretty sure this isn't the sort of case where you may feel sorry for the criminal..because they were just so desperate to have clothes on their back that they made a poor choice and faced the consequences. No, these were shop lifters, nothing more. It's a shame they happened to be parents too.
SO many things are wrong with this picture! I could go off on so many tangents, I don't even know where to begin!
I think shop lifting is pathetic. I know people personally who have bragged to me about shop lifting and I wasn't sure why exactly they were bragging. Are you bragging because you can't afford to pay for your own stuff? Are you bragging because you're dishonest? Are you bragging because you are willing to break the law? I don't get it. A good friend of mine once said (paraphrased quote from Amanda Purdie), "If you want stuff, get a job! If you want an awesome story to tell, do something awesome!" Seriously people, grow up and take care of yourself. Don't rip people off, there's no excuse for it.
I think putting your children in a spot like that is unforgivable. Doing something you could be locked up for when you have a young child at home? Really? Even worse, you have a child right NEXT to you! This child is too young to have a very vivid memory of his parents being cuffed and driven away in a police car, thankfully. Does that make it any less disgusting? I'm tired of parents KNOWINGLY putting their children into a bad situation. What mind set do people have where they think having what they want is more important then their child's comfort and safety? By the sound of it, they stole quite a bit of merchandise, meaning they may actually serve some time. It's just STUPID. It reminded me of a much more extreme example of this behavior. On the Dateline NBC show "To Catch a Predator", one potential predator brought his young son to the home where he was hoping to meet a young teenager. Seeing that put an intensely ill feeling in my stomach, and I know I wasn't alone. How dare a parent be selfish enough to put their own selfish desires in front of their child's well-being. It's my personal opinion that if you bring a child into this world, you have to stop being horrible in some ways. Maybe that's easy for me to say since I don't have kids! I don't know, I think most parents would agree that you just don't put your children in certain situations, and you don't do stupid stuff that could screw up their life or their mentality.
What lessons have we learned today? Stealing is pathetic, and some people just SHOULDN'T be parents.
Article on why shoplifting has increased.
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