I've hit a plateau and I haven't really been able to lose more, but I've been doing my best to maintain an active lifestyle and not eat too much (although the contents of my diet could use some serious work). I work with a trainer around once a week and I try to either go to the gym or take long walks 3-5 times a week. My goal has been nothing more then to firm up and to improve my overall health.
I never thought about working towards any physical goal other then maybe an amount of weight lost or just "having toned arms" (ONE DAY I will!). Then a Youtube vlogger I watch started a blog about her weight loss journey. She also lost 30 lbs recently, and she recently completed a 5k race. I never really thought about it, but a 5k is only 3.1 miles! Sadly I'm still not quite in the shape to run more then about one mile currently...but I could DEFINITELY work my way up to 3.1. I haven't really done anything slightly athletic (other then just straight working out) since I was a kid, so this would be a cool accomplishment for me! What's funny is that the DAY I had decided I wanted to do this, there were a bunch of Races for the Cure in my area. Oh well, there will be more! I hope I'll be ready for them when they come!
I'm going to really focus on spending more time on the treadmill at the gym and work on doing 4 miles straight while jogging. I honestly probably wont post a lot about my progress unless I have a major breakthrough! It will be a while...haha.
Since this is boring and mostly writing, I decided to post a sort of "before and after" type photo (although I never really took proper ones) because those are always fun!
(Click on it so you can really see...it posted so small!)